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About PacRim

About Pacific Rim

Mission Statement

The mission of Pacific Rim Elementary is to embrace technology and academic excellence while developing intrinsically motivated, lifelong learners who are responsible, productive citizens who follow the Golden Rule. This provides the foundation for our school culture. At Pacific Rim, we focus on high expectations, strong accountability, and excellent effort on campus. The enthusiasm for learning and the drive to achieve are contagious among staff and students.

Pacific Rim Elementary is a National Blue Ribbon School. An important part of the U.S. Department of Education, the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes outstanding public and non-public schools. In identifying several hundred outstanding schools annually, the program celebrates school excellence, turn around stories, and closing subgroup achievement gaps. The Award is both a high aspiration and a potent resource of practitioner knowledge.

School Facts & Accountability Information

School Accountability Report Cards

You can find School Accountability Report Cards (SARC) about the state of our school, Pacific Rim Elementary, for the school years of 2019-2023 at the link below. Under California law, as well as the No Child Left Behind Act, school districts must distribute a report card to show how every school and the district as a whole are performing.


School Safety

We have been working closely with the CUSD main office, Carlsbad Police Department, and other agencies to address safety and security improvements. As part of this process, the district has made a number of recommendations and required changes seen below:

  • Secure Campus Changes: CUSD Administrative Regulations require the securing of campus before and after school. As part of this process, gates open 15 minutes before the start of school and close promptly at the start of school. Likewise, campus gates will remain locked until the dismissal bell and will be once again secured approximately 20 minutes after safe dismissal of students.
  • Visitor Badges for ALL Adults: All adults on campus will be required to wear a badge at all times - this includes all volunteers and any visitors to campus. Visitors are required to enter and exit through the office. There is a sign-in and sign-out requirement.
  • Student Drop-Off: Only students may enter the gates.
  • Student Pick-Up: Parents will no longer be able to enter the campus to pick up their student. Please plan a designated location at the front of the campus to meet your student. If you are utilizing our parking lot curb lane for pick-up, remember to stay in your vehicle, move forward as space allows, and also designate a spot you want your student(s) to wait for you near the parking lot curb lane.
  • Kindergarten: Staff will wait with their students at dismissal near the kindergarten gate.
  • Secure Campus Safety Drills: We complete three secure campus drills each school year. These drills will be based on training that all staff received from Carlsbad Police Department and is based upon the “Run, Hide, Fight” approach emphasized by law enforcement agencies across the country.

Because school safety and security are our number one priority, we will continue to seek opportunities to make our campus more safe and secure for everyone.

We All Have a Part in Student Safety!

Students, staff, and parents have an important role in promoting school safety by following procedures and reporting unusual or concerning individuals or behavior. It is important to maintain a balance between sufficient building security and providing students a healthy, nurturing, normal school environment. Safety measures at school extend across all parts of our campus.

When in the parking lot, parents should observe all instructions from the crosswalk attendant and be alert to moving traffic. You should always use a crosswalk instead of walking through lanes of traffic. Parents must remain in their vehicles along the curb lane and all pick up lanes.

There is limited access to our school buildings with our office as the only point of entry when classes are in session. Gates must remain closed and locked during school hours. All visitors are required to check in at the front office to obtain a visitor's badge and use the sign in/out binder.

We maintain a safe and caring school through clear behavioral expectations, positive behavior interventions and supports, and crisis planning and preparedness. Our School Safety Plan, which addresses school safety issues (prevention, preparing, responding, and recovering), is formally reviewed each year by our School Site Council and staff members. The plan is updated regularly.

Open communication between home and school is critical to the safety and well-being of our students and your children. Let us know if you have a concern or question about school policies or your child's safety.

School Site Council

The Role of the School Site Council

The school site council is a group of teachers, parents, classified employees, and students (at the high school level) that works with the principal to develop, review and evaluate school improvement programs and school budgets. The members of the site council are generally elected by their peers. For example, parents elect the parent representatives and teachers elect teachers. Site councils make decisions and advise the principal on the academic or school improvement plan. After looking at the big picture of the school's progress, the council and the principal create a plan for improvement.

School site council members don't just represent their own interests. They have an obligation to make decisions that will best serve the whole school community. In fact, many site councils are specifically charged with finding ways to close gaps in achievement between groups of students.

The actions of the SSC constitute the first step in a formal process for developing improvement strategies and for allocating resources to support these efforts:

  • Develop/revise a comprehensive Single Plan for Student Achievement (Ed Code 64001).
  • Ensure that the school is continually engaged in the continuous improvement process by identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practice.
  • Develop a budget to align categorical funds with decisions from the SSC.


How To Get Involved

If you are interested in school policy or academic programs, you might enjoy serving on our school's site council. To find out more about what school site council does, attend a meeting or talk to Principal Tubbs. Meetings are open to the public (contact the office for the next meeting date).


Safety First

One of the responsibilities of School Site Council is to manage and evaluate the safety of our students, staff, and campus. We update a Comprehensive School Safety Plan each year.